Project: Case Study

Project: Case Study

Role: UX/UI Designer

Role: UX/UI Designer

Tools: Figma, Optimal Workshop

Tools: Figma, Optimal Workshop

Time: ~150 hours/3 months

Time: ~150 hours/3 months


HabitGuru is a fictional platform that provides an easy and fun way to build and maintain wellness habits. It’s designed to leverage positive reinforcement and preset categories for anyone get started quickly.

HabitGuru is a fictional platform that provides an easy and fun way to build and maintain wellness habits. It’s designed to leverage positive reinforcement and preset categories for anyone get started quickly.

HabitGuru is a fictional platform that provides an easy and fun way to build and maintain wellness habits. It’s designed to leverage positive reinforcement and preset categories for anyone get started quickly.


Only 30% of Americans set aside time for self-care habits. People struggle to develop and maintain routine lifestyle changes to benefit their health (i.e. diet, skincare, fitness, mental health).

Only 30% of Americans set aside time for self-care habits. People struggle to develop and maintain routine lifestyle changes to benefit their health (i.e. diet, skincare, fitness, mental health).

Only 30% of Americans set aside time for self-care habits. People struggle to develop and maintain routine lifestyle changes to benefit their health (i.e. diet, skincare, fitness, mental health).


A low-friction tool encouraging consistency in a pleasurable and gamified way where people can adopt healthier lifestyles one day at a time.

A low-friction tool encouraging consistency in a pleasurable and gamified way where people can adopt healthier lifestyles one day at a time.

A low-friction tool encouraging consistency in a pleasurable and gamified way where people can adopt healthier lifestyles one day at a time.

Competition & Opportunities

Competition &

Limited customization

Limited customization

Limited customization

No Social feature or community

No Social feature or community

No Social feature or community

Missing accountability mechanisms and positive reinforcements

Missing accountability mechanisms and positive reinforcements

Missing accountability mechanisms and positive reinforcements

Key Opportunities

1) Present a Categories view for quicker and low-friction way to get started

2) Gamify through methods such as achievement badges and streaks which can be shared in Community

3) Implement a social feed to encourage Social Accountability and showcasing achievements

1) Present a Categories view for quicker and low-friction way to get started

2) Gamify through methods such as achievement badges and streaks which can be shared in Community

3) Implement a social feed to encourage Social Accountability and showcasing achievements

1) Present a Categories view for quicker and low-friction way to get started

2) Gamify through methods such as achievement badges and streaks which can be shared in Community

3) Implement a Social feed to socially encourage accountability and showcasing achievements




Options shown to create a habit

Options shown to create a habit

Options shown to create a habit




Streak badge after completing a daily habit

Streak badge after completing a daily habit

Streak badge after completing a daily habit


Social Accountability

Social Accountability

Social feed - Badges posted

Social feed - Badges posted

Social feed - Badges posted


Remote user interviews w/ 5 participants

Themes of gamification, social reinforcement, frictionless start emerge as key opportunities that surface from user interviews. Implementing a social feed may provide a tremendous potential as seen from popular examples like Strava the running app.

Themes of gamification, social reinforcement, frictionless start emerge as key opportunities that surface from user interviews. Implementing a social feed may provide a tremendous potential as seen from popular examples like Strava the running app.

Frictionless Start

Frictionless Start

Don’t know where to begin? There’s probably a category for what’s in mind!

Don’t know where to begin? There’s probably a category for what’s in mind!



Giving users layered targets such as daily, weekly, and monthly badges and compelling progress visuals

Giving users layered targets such as daily, weekly, and monthly badges and compelling progress visuals

Social Reinforcement

Social Reinforcement

Accountability and recognition for the small, big, and every win in between

Accountability and recognition for the small, big, and every win in between

User Flow

User Flow: Onboarding

Onboarding plays as a critical first step in acclimating users to preset categories for picking habits from a broad group of their choice.

If a person is thinking about starting new diet habits but doesn’t know where to begin, she can easily do so based on popular diet habits.

Onboarding plays as a critical first step in acclimating users to preset categories for picking habits from a broad group of their choice.

If a person is thinking about starting new diet habits but doesn’t know where to begin, she can easily do so based on popular diet habits.

Onboarding plays as a critical first step in acclimating users to preset categories for picking habits from a broad group of their choice.

If a person is thinking about starting new diet habits but doesn’t know where to begin, she can easily do so based on popular diet habits.

Design Evolution

Brand Identity

Final Designs


HabitGuru crossed the MVP line after a moderated usability test and a round of iterations. Research and analysis of existing products lead to designing a solution that leverages 4 key principals for creating a successful habit tracker that our target users need and want.

Although this is a limited prototype, testing it in the field resulted in positive and promising feedback that further validates this case study.

HabitGuru crossed the MVP line after a moderated usability test and a round of iterations. Research and analysis of existing products lead to designing a solution that leverages 4 key principals for creating a successful habit tracker that our target users need and want.

Although this is a limited prototype, testing it in the field resulted in positive and promising feedback that further validates this case study.

HabitGuru crossed the MVP line after a moderated usability test and a round of iterations. Research and analysis of existing products lead to designing a solution that leverages 4 key principals for creating a successful habit tracker that our target users need and want.

Although this is a limited prototype, testing it in the field resulted in positive and promising feedback that further validates this case study.

Feeling of Reward Early On

This helps beat the discouragement of not seeing results at first

Simplicity for Consistency

A powerful, yet easy to use tool to finally break the first and hardest part in habit formation

Accountability & Social Incentives

Sharing streaks and achievements with a network strongly encourage and benefit every participant

You Don’t Know

What You Don’t Know

With suggested categories and popular habits, users can effortlessly find the path they seek

Key Principles

Key Principles

Feeling of Reward Early On

This helps beat the discouragement of not seeing results at first

Accountability & Social Incentives

Sharing streaks and achievements with a network strongly encourage and benefit every participant

Simplicity for Consistency

A powerful, yet easy to use tool to finally break the first and hardest part in habit formation

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

With suggested categories and popular habits, users can effortlessly find the path they seek

Key Principles

Feeling of Reward Early On

This helps beat the discouragement of not seeing results at first

Accountability & Social Incentives

Sharing streaks and achievements with a network strongly encourage and benefit every participant

Simplicity for Consistency

A powerful, yet easy to use tool to finally break the first and hardest part in habit formation

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

With suggested categories and popular habits, users can effortlessly find the path they seek

contact at jakinci.com

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